Sedric James is the Founder and President of the organization. He published the first series of Build Wealth Workbooks and currently hosts the BWEAL Podcast for the organization. Sedric believes that when you spread the wealth around it's good for everybody. Delivering the knowledge, tools, and connections it takes to build wealth in diverse ways to people of all ages is of utmost importance to achieve his goal. In addition to serving his community through his works with the non-profit, he also operates an accounting firm located in Arlington, Texas. Sedric holds a BA in Accounting from Ball State University.



The casino event purpose is to primarily raise funds to do our webinars and other community events. We use live dealers making it a Vegas vibe. We hire local talent incorporating local businesses that specialize in catering and other entertainment services. Guests capitalize in networking with entrepreneurs and other business minded individuals.


Our Featured Webinar is streamed on the Zoom Event platform. This webinar features a variety of topics that provide knowledge on how to build wealth. Each speaker brings valuable experience from their own perspective fields. To break some of the monotony we add entertainment with a live comedian skit and a performance by a musical artist. In the webinar hub guest also have the ability to network with the speakers and fellow attendees.

The target audience for the Casino and Featured Webinar are Business Owners in the DFW area and web users around the world.